
Doctorate (PhD)

Training in research and through research
The doctorate (PhD equivalent) is a three-year training programme in research and through research after a Master's degree (secondary school leaving certificate + 5) or equivalent. 

It leads to the awarding of a PhD. These days, a PhD is an essential prerequisite for any student keen to become involved in research, either in a public research body or within major companies or international bodies. It is THE reference degree recognised internationally. 

The PhD is also a first professional experience. The PhD student can acquire not just scientific skills in a multitude of disciplines but also expand his knowledge of the economic world. The national doctorate framework is laid down by the Order of 25 May 2016. 

The eighteen Agreenium members are involved extensively in doctorate training by welcoming some 2,500 PhD students into their laboratories and through their involvement with doctoral schools. 
Accreditation for awarding a PhD
Agreenium is accredited to award the PhD under the ABIES doctoral school from the start of the 2016 academic year. 

The University of Lorraine (ENSAIA and ENSTIB) and the INP of Toulouse (ENSAT) along with AgroParis Tech, Agrocampus Ouest, Montpellier SupAgro and Oniris are also accredited to award the PhD. 
These four engineering colleges award some 200 PhD every year. The members are accredited jointly under fifteen doctoral schools with specific disciplines or themes forming part of the site logics. 
Setting up a doctoral college
Created by the decree relating to the organisation of the Institute, the Doctoral College, established on 11 May 2016, comprises one representative per member, the Director of the Doctoral School ABIES, a PhD student and the Director of the Institute. Its mission is to suggest a doctoral training policy, boost the legibility and appeal, especially internationally, of the doctoral training of its members and, more broadly, research and French agricultural training, promote the careers of PhD graduates, especially in business and internationally and encourage the development of doctoral modules offered.  
Doctoral training courses
One priority that the doctoral college has set itself is setting up specific doctoral paths and the pooling of doctoral training modules between members. 
The Institute offers a doctoral path of excellence within the Agreenium international research facility (EIR-A)  

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